condescending twatbags, politicians, politics, poor judgment, religion

Jesus* Guns *Babies… and Jenna Ryan on the loose.

Against my better judgment, I’ve been watching the news to see how our favorite delusional insurrectionist has been doing in the big house. Of course, I’m referring to Jenna Ryan, who swore up and down last year that she would NOT be going to prison for her part in the January 6th insurrection. She said it was because she had white skin, blonde hair, and a good job. But the judge wasn’t impressed, and off Jenna went to the jug for sixty days. She turned herself in to authorities just before Christmas and did her time. And now she’s out, and apparently hasn’t learned a goddamned thing. She went straight back to Twitter and resumed sharing ridiculous conspiracy theories and insulting people.

She’s back in business.

Not that I care about that too much. She’s kind of entertaining in her delusions. Obviously, her time at Federal Prison Camp in Bryan, Texas, was wasted. I took a peek at her Twitter feed last night. Today, I see she’s posted a video statement. She clearly has no regrets about what she did. In fact, she says she ate a lot of bologna sandwiches, watched a lot of movies, read the Bible and other books, and only lost about ten pounds. She has reiterated that she was convicted of a misdemeanor charge and isn’t a felon, nor has she lost her right to vote. The judge had to make an example out of her, and now she’s ready for her “beautiful life” to resume.

I see she went to a minimum security facility, which I have heard aren’t too terrible. Prison is never fun, but a minimum security lockup isn’t too bad compared to more secure prisons. I guess, given what she actually did, it was appropriate for her to go to a minimum security prison. She has no shame, though, and is matching ugly comments on Twitter with her own insults.

Oh, good Lord…
But wait a minute. I thought it wasn’t so bad. She was “tortured”? With what? Nonstop Lifetime movies?

We’ll see what happens in the coming weeks as Jenna recovers from her brief stint in the federal, minimum security, pokey. She certainly is an interesting person on many different levels.

And now on to another topic…

Earlier this morning, I read about one of Georgia’s Republican candidates for governor. The woman I discovered, Kandiss Taylor, is getting dragged on Twitter on account of her ridiculous campaign slogan. According to her Web site, Taylor has a doctoral degree. But she couldn’t come up with a better campaign slogan than this:

She sure has her priorities straight.

She thinks she can save Georgia with religion (Christianity, I presume), guns, and forcing people to birth. Sigh… I almost wish I still lived in Georgia so I could vote for her opponent. At least she’s pretty, right? That will probably account for something to someone.

Wikipedia says Taylor got most of her degrees in Georgia, except for the Ph.D, which she got from Pat Robertson’s very own Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I know a couple of people who went to Regent University, but since I grew up in the shadow of Pat Robertson’s empire, I am not all that impressed with people who would choose to attend that school. I mean, I’m sure there are really smart people there, and I’m sure some folks choose that school for convenience sake. I used to know a flamboyantly gay man who planned to get a master’s degree from Liberty University, because he could do the work online. Unfortunately, he died before he could put that plan into action. But personally, I would probably have more regard for someone who went to the University of Georgia or Emory University… or a similarly storied school. In any case, I don’t know that Taylor’s slogan is a good ad for the quality of education offered at Regent. But again, she makes a bold and simple statement, which probably really appeals to her base. I’m sure a lot of Georgians would respond to this simple list of her priorities. Yeah. It’s very simple.

I dunno…

But she may very well win. After all, Georgians seem to like Marjorie Taylor Greene, right? It’s not like the state has very high standards when it comes to its elected officials. Taylor is also promising to paint Georgia “Taylor Red”… don’t tell James Taylor that! Personally, I hope the Democrats mop the floor with her. The last thing we need is more guns. I’m sure Jesus would agree. And sorry, but unless Taylor has a feasible plan for supporting the women and babies who will suffer due to her aggressively pro life stance, I don’t wanna hear about how much she loves babies. Babies have needs. So do their parents– especially the people gestating them. I want to hear politicians talk about how they will help the mothers before they champion forcing more babies into existence. But I will admit that Kandiss is pretty in red. It kind of brings to mind The Handmaid’s Tale.

Hmm… I don’t think I’m impressed. Reminds me of Melania’s “Be Best” campaign…

Well, we’ll see. Which reminds me. It might not be a bad idea to get cracking on ordering absentee ballots. Because dammit, I need to vote.


5 thoughts on “Jesus* Guns *Babies… and Jenna Ryan on the loose.

  1. Andrew says:

    As much as I am against polling barriers like civics testing in principle, it sure seems like a really good idea in practice these days, doesn’t it?

  2. I knew, instinctively, that Jenna Ryan would not come out of her 60-day confinement (such as it was) contrite and humble. Judging from her past and present behavior, she simply is not wired that way.

    And she is incredibly thin-skinned. She cannot take criticism of any kind, no matter how politely one words it. (Of course, I will say that MOST of the criticism and negative feedback Ms. Ryan received on Twitter and her other social media accounts was delivered impolitely, but there were some folks that couched their comments or tweets in civil – if perhaps stern – fashion.) On her Tik-Tok page, for instance, she warns prospective followers that she wiil BLOCK anyone who does not post “nice” or supportive comments.

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